How to Tell an Applicant They Didn’t Make the Cut

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One of the hardest parts of the interview process is notifying the applicants who didn’t make the cut. It’s hard to tell someone they didn’t get the job, but it is important that you do. You want to be honest with them and let them know why they may not have been selected for the position. This will help them feel good about themselves and be open to coming back again in the future if there are any other positions available that might be a better fit.

The hiring process can be tough on both parties involved, so we’re here to break down how you should go about telling someone they didn’t make it through the interview process. We’ll cover what you need to say, when you should say it, and what your next steps are after this conversation has taken place.

When should you tell someone they didn’t make it through the interview process?

The short answer is: as soon as possible after a decision has been made. Don’t leave the applicants hanging. Waiting too long will leave them feeling confused and wondering if they should reach out to you. The sooner you notify the applicants, the sooner they can move on with the job search.

How to break the news that they didn’t get the job?

There are many different ways you can go about letting someone know they didn’t make it through the hiring process.

While it can be a bit less comfortable for you, personal contact via phone is the most courteous way to handle the notification process. Be clear and brief with your communication and avoid small talk. Share a compliment or something they excelled at in the interview and let them know that ultimately you chose to go with another candidate.

An unsuccessful applicant may ask why they weren’t chosen for the position, especially if they felt they were a great match. You’re not required to offer reasons for hiring someone else; however, if you want to respond, stick to factors that are strictly relevant to the position you’re hiring for. We recommend being as honest and straightforward with them as possible.

For example, you might say: The selected candidate has more experience or specific experience or certification in a particular area. It’s also acceptable to let them know if something on their resume raised concern; for example, say something like: The multiple unexplained gaps in your work history were a concern. Often, the process was just highly competitive. Let the candidate know that.

What happens after you let them know they didn’t make it through hiring?

After you’ve notified an applicant about their hiring status, let them know that their resume will be retained for consideration in the future if another suitable position opens up. This can help with future hiring efforts and show your appreciation for the candidate’s time and consideration.

Send a thank you to all applicants who interviewed, whether they were selected or not. A quick note to acknowledge their time investment is a courteous gesture that other hiring teams and the candidate will appreciate. It’s also an excellent opportunity to make a lasting impression and maintain a level of respect with the hiring candidate.

By following these simple steps, hiring managers should have no problem notifying potential employees that they didn’t get the job. It can be uncomfortable to tell someone they were unsuccessful in landing this position but treat everybody with courtesy and professionalism. In turn, applicants will appreciate the quick and straightforward approach.

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