Five Solutions When Hiring Committee Members Disagree

Panel of women

Hiring is a stressful process. As human resources professionals, you want to make sure that the right person for the job is hired. The hiring committee has a responsibility to ensure that they are fair and objective when interviewing candidates. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for panelists on your hiring committee to disagree over which candidate should be offered the position. Here are five solutions to try when members of your hiring committee can’t agree.

Solution One: Vote

If the hiring committee can’t reach a consensus, one solution is to vote. This will allow each panelist to have a say in who is offered the job. However, this approach can be seen as divisive and may not be the most effective way to reach a decision.

It’s a good idea to establish your HR or hiring manager as a tie-breaker early in the hiring process to avoid roadblocks or stalemates.

Solution Two: Mediate

If the hiring committee can’t come to a consensus, you may need to mediate. This involves coming between panelists and helping them reach a decision. Mediation can be an effective way to resolve conflicts, but it takes time and patience.

Solution Three: Take a Break

If the hiring committee can’t come to a consensus, taking a break may be the best solution. This will allow everyone an opportunity to calm down and reflect on the situation. Taking a break can also help clear up any misunderstandings that may have arisen.

Solution Four: Bring in the Big Guns

If the hiring committee can’t come to a consensus, bringing in management may help. This will give panelists the opportunity to hear from other perspectives within the company about what skills and attributes the company may be looking for and offer a 40,000 ft view of the situation. It may also help to resolve any disagreements that have arisen.

Solution Five: Seek Professional Help

If the hiring committee can’t come to a consensus, seeking professional help may be the best solution. This involves bringing in an outside consultant to help mediate or arbitrate the situation. Professional help can be expensive, but it may be worth it to ensure that the right candidate is hired.

No matter what solution you choose, remember to stay calm and professional. Hiring is a process that takes time and effort. By working together, the hiring committee can reach a consensus and make the best decision for the company.

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